
ANATA Industrial Group equipped with research exclusive labs, which includes microbiological, chemical, sterile and also sample maintenance sector for controlling physical parameters such as weight, packing, records control, and storage till the time of expiry date is being enjoyed. All the ingredients such as flour, sugar, dried milk, and liquid milk, glucose, different kinds of oil, CB, CBS, CBR, Cocoa, Powder, Cocoa mass, Corn and all the final products based on the Iran national standard of sampling and physical parameters such as appearance, taste & odor plus the chemical properties such as PH, Moisture, Ash, Acidity, Proxide, Fat, Sugar, Protein, Gluten, Water activity, microbiological are such as ACC (Aerobic Colony Count) Coli form, E.Coli, Yeasts, Moulds, C.Perfringens, S.aureus, Enterobacteriaceae and Salmonella, being appraised till the customers decisions and wishes are being met.


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